How to measure pupillary distance

Glasses Wearer Have to Know: How to Measure Pupillary Distance

Are you confused by some strange terms and numbers when received your prescription? PD, OD, OS… Some Alamode followers said they can’t be clear about these obscure words as unprofessional people. They want to know how to measure pupillary distance. Now, Alamode helps you figure out your PD and master the way to measure it.

What is pupillary distance?

Pupillary distance, also known as PD, is the measurement of the distance between the centers of your pupils. It is an important measurement in the prescription of eyeglasses because it helps to ensure that the optical centers of the lenses are properly aligned with your eyes, allowing you to see clearly and comfortably. PD can be measured by an eye doctor or optician, or it can be measured at home using a simple ruler or PD measuring tool. Having an accurate PD measurement is crucial for the proper fitting and effectiveness of eyeglasses, especially for those with stronger prescriptions.

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Average pupillary distance

The average pupillary distance of a typical adult ranges from 54 to 74 mm without much difference between the average female and male PD. A child’s distance ranges from 43 to 58 mm. During an eye checkup, your optometrist will typically measure your PD.

However, the pupillary distance of a person will alter as they grow older. Children’s measures will consequently fluctuate over time as PD varies with physical growth. Once we reach adulthood, the pupillary distance remains constant and our skull shape seldom ever changes.

How to measure your PD

To measure your pupillary distance (PD), you will need a millimeter ruler and a mirror.  Please follow these steps:

  • Stand in front of the mirror and hold the ruler against your forehead, with the 0 mm mark lined up with the center of your right pupil.
  • Close your left eye and align the ruler with the center of your left pupil.
  • Look straight ahead and read the millimeter measurement that aligns with the center of your left pupil on the ruler.
  • Repeat the process a few times to ensure accuracy, and take the average of your measurements as your final PD.

It’s important to NOTE that measuring your PD with a ruler may not be as accurate as having it measured by a professional. Additionally, some eyewear providers may require a more precise measurement method.

Tips for Accurate PD Measurement

  • Use a ruler with millimeter measurements: Using a ruler with millimeter measurements will ensure that you get the most accurate measurement.
  • Stand in front of a mirror: Stand in front of a mirror to make sure that you are measuring your PD from the center of each pupil.
  • Enlist a friend: It can be difficult to measure your PD on your own, so enlist the help of a friend to ensure that you are measuring correctly.
  • Keep both eyes open: When measuring your PD, make sure to keep both eyes open to ensure that you are measuring from the center of each pupil.
  • Take multiple measurements: Take multiple measurements to ensure that you get an accurate average PD measurement.
  • Take measurements in different lighting conditions: Lighting conditions can affect your PD measurement, so take measurements in different lighting conditions to ensure accuracy.
  • Use an online tool: There are many online tools available that can help you measure your PD accurately. Use one of these tools for an accurate measurement.
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Pupillary Distance (PD) is one of the most important parts of the glasses prescription. Now, do you know how to get your PD? Yes, you can measure by yourself and ask for help from your friend, professionals and online tools. Alamode glasses will serve every customer on the detail page. All you need to do is to click Alamode and then pick your desirable glasses. Alamode will give explanations for these strange terms and help you measure them step by step. Don’t worry, Alamode is always here for you.

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